Thursday, March 8, 2007

IP Raiders of the Desert Recognition

So I went to Trini Jungle Juice this morning to see if there was anything new & decided to look at lil' bitts video for Ah lil' bit & much to my surprise I recognized one of the outfits she was rockin. I was lookin hard boi den it hit me, it was an IP costume. She & di male dancer in di video was wearing di Raiders of the Desert costume. So this now brings dis question to mind, did she maybe play in IP? Anyone know? I dunno if she did I didn't play wit IP & I honestly didn't hear anything about she even playin mas. Den again Carnival does be so big she coulda played & no one said anything cuz iz no biggy ent? Anyway I jus thought dat was interesting. For those of you who haven't seen di vodeo you can see it on Trini Jimgle Juice.


Karabana said...

don't know... but speaking of IP, this pic was on the front page of a community paper here...

SocaDiva said...

yea she did play with them one of my friends told me she saw her in the band.

Trini By Injection said...

Dat was kinda cool Karabana.

Trini By Injection said...

Dat was nice dat she incorporated she costume into di video den. Lil' Bitts dat is.

Anonymous said...

Destra did it previously wearing the IP Butterflies costume (with some other IP Forbidden Forest costumes featured) in her video for Max It Up. She ended up playing in another section in the band, however.

Trini By Injection said...

Oh yeah! I remember dat.