Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ah feeling it bad......

Laaaawd! Ah had to follow up on Saucy Diva's blog on the Carnival Baby blues. Ah rel feeling it bad eh. I have been back to Florida since Feb. 23 & ah still surfing di net daily looking for pictures of Tribe or any of the fetes I had gone to to see if it have any pics floating around of myself & my hubby or any of my frens. Ah still lookin at Saucy blog daily cuz ah rel get excited when she postin tings like dis band announce dis theme & dis wesite have pics out. My modda in law been at my house since she get back from TnT & we sit deh daily talking about we plans for 2K8 Carnival. Now here is di ting, ah rel gettin di blues b/c as I talkin about all dem tings, readin or looking at these websites, I wishin I was still in TnT experiencing di road.
I am still debating on flyin to ATL for deh Carnival which is cumin up May for Memorial day weekend. I normally go every year but I had sais to myself I wouldn't go this year b/c it was nuttn like TnT Carnival but now I think I am jus trying to feel anything remotly close to a carnival feelin. I also looking at dat list of all di Carnivals through out di year seeing which ones I could possibly make it to. Lol! Laaaaawd! Maybe I will see some of you soon jumpin up at some Carnival deh. ;)


Karabana said...

Well Gyrl, I was about to tell you too, & I see I'm just in time, no need to miss jumping up for a whole year, there's a better option than being blue, come to my blog.............


gtwarrior said...

Karabana u real pushing Caribana...LOL. Well for me I have DC carnival in June, I am thinking about Caribana in Canada, then back to New York and maybe Miami and then the BIG SHOW TNT 2K8....

Trini By Injection said...

Gyul I see it nuh! Yuh make meh wah go Caribana which I aint been in years. To be honest wit yuh I aint even been back to Canada since I leave in 1994.I tink iz high time to go back & see how everything iz including Caribana.

Trini By Injection said...

Dc Carnival is another Carnival I am considering right about now. I jus wanna jump & wave!!!!

Karabana said...

You done know! I aint gon lie, you'll have a blast, GT too, ya gotta come, it's a great ½ way through the year jump up 4 sure!